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发布时间:[2013-11-25 14:02:50]    阅读()次

廖美珍教授的论文“中国法庭话语”(Courtroom Discourse in China )被《牛津语言与法律手册》(The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law)一书收录。
《牛津语言与法律手册》由皮特·梯尔斯马(Peter M. Tiersma)和劳伦斯·索兰(Lawrence M. Solan)合作主编,英国牛津大学出版社2012年出版,全书642页,共分法律语言(Legal Language)、法律文本的解释(The Interpretation of Legal Texts)、多语与翻译(Multilingualism and Translation)、语言权利(Language Rights)、语言与刑法(Language and Criminal Law)、法庭话语(Courtroom Discourse)、知识产权(Intellectual Property)、作者身份和欺骗的识别(Identification of Authorship and Deception)、说话者身份识别(Speaker Identification)九大部分,全世界范围总共收录40篇论文,中国国内仅收录了廖美珍教授的论文。
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law
This book provides a state-of-the-art account of past and current research in the interface between linguistics and law. It outlines the range of legal areas in which linguistics plays an increasing role and describes the tools and approaches used by linguists and lawyers in this vibrant new field. Through a combination of overview chapters, case studies, and theoretical descriptions, the volume addresses areas such as the history and structure of legal languages, its meaning and interpretation, multilingualism and language rights, courtroom discourse, forensic identification, intellectual property and linguistics, and legal translation and interpretation. Encyclopedic in scope, the handbook includes chapters written by experts from every continent who are familiar with linguistic issues that arise in diverse legal systems, including both civil and common law jurisdictions, mixed systems like that of China, and the emerging law of the European Union.