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来源:   作者:  发表日期:2024-06-17 09:15  阅读次数:




. 会议主题



. 分议题(聚焦但不限于)

1. 外语师范教育培养目标及课程设置

2. 外语师范教育实践基地建设与体系构建

3. 外语师范生的教育实践经历与成效评估

4. 高校外语教师教育者的职业发展路径

5. 高校与中小学合作教研的模式探索(如课例研究、行动研究等)

6. 外语师范教育与基础外语教育的衔接策略

7. 中学英语大单元教学设计理念和实践

8. 英语整本书阅读和群文阅读教学

9. 英语教学评一体化研究与实践

10.  英语教师专业化发展与养成

11.  新时代外语教育课程思政建设

12.  教师数字素养与数字化教研能力发展

 . 会议基本信息

1. 会议时间:2024629-30日,628日(周五)报到。

2. 会议地点:629日在华中师范大学(到校路线附后)630日在华中师范大学第一附属中学

3. 参会报到地点:华中师范大学桂苑宾馆

4. 会务费:1000元,全日制硕博研究生500元,食宿费和往返交通费自理。

5. 会务费缴费:请复制以下链接(或扫描下方二维码)进入网页报名、注册、填表、缴费:



6. 工作语言汉语、英语

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. 会议形式







. 会议总日程





. 主旨发言人及摘要(按姓氏音序)


Professor Anne Burns is a part-time Professor at Curtin University, Australia. She was Professor of TESOL, and now holds an Honorary Professorship, in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. She is also a Professor Emerita at Aston University, UK and Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney and The Education University, Hong Kong. She is a visiting professor at Thammasat University, Thailand, and a member of the Academic Advisory Board for the English Language Institute of Kanda University of International Studies.

She has published extensively on language teacher education and the teaching of speaking, and is particularly well known for her work on action research. Her most recent book is Sustaining action research: A practical guide for institutional engagement (with Emily Edwards and Neville Ellis, published by Routledge, 2022).  She is also a Series Editor for the Research and Resources Series published by Routledge. In 2017, she was recognised by TESOL International as one of the ‘50@50’ who have made an outstanding contribution to ELT. In 2019, she was listed on Wikipedia: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Burns_(linguist)


What I have learned in 30 plus years about supporting teachers to do action research

Anne Burns, University of New South Wales and Curtin University, Australia

In this talk I reflect on what 30 plus years of working with teacher researchers has taught me about how to provide professional development support during action research (AR). My work as an AR researcher and facilitator has spanned language teacher researchers working in schools, colleges and higher education in Australia, Chile, China, the UK, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, Türkiye, UAE and Vietnam. Over this time, I have observed what questions and issues teachers ask about action research, what they understand it is and what kind of support is needed to facilitate successful completion of their investigations. Identifying and recognising their challenges and successes and developing practical strategies to smooth the process has become for me a form of AR on teachers doing AR. I will outline issues that arise at different stages of teachers’ research and share some of the strategies I have used as a university-based facilitator to support their activities and assist them to reach a positive research outcome. I will finish by posing some major lessons learned and some questions for possible further reflection or discussion by conference participants.








龚亚夫 中国教育科学研究院









欧阳护华 广东外语外贸大学









北京师范大学 王蔷






Dr. Rui Yuan is an associate professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Macau. His research interests include teacher education, critical thinking, and English medium instruction (EMI) in higher education. He has published more than 100 research works, including journal articles and book chapters, in different international journals, such as TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching, and Teaching and Teacher Education. He currently serves as Associate Editor of TESOL Journal and is an editorial board member of TESOL Quarterly and Linguistics and Education.


What does “failure” tell us about effective collaboration

in language teacher education?

Rui Yuan University of Macau

In the era of rapid technological advancement and information exchange, curriculum reforms and pedagogical innovations largely depend on effective and sustained communication and collaboration among different stakeholders (e.g., teachers, school leaders, and teacher educators) in their daily practices. While much has been said about how to promote collaboration in the existing literature, it remains a thorny issue due to the complexities arising from various social, cultural, and political factors. In this presentation, I aim to analyze and discuss this issue based on two “failed” cases identified from my previous research projects in language teacher education. Despite their differing motivations and backgrounds in promoting collaborative engagements, the two cases illustrate the “dark” side of collaboration when it is externally imposed and forcefully enacted without meaning negotiation and mutual support, both cognitively and affectively. Drawing on the perspective of complexity theory, I also analyze the two cases regarding the constituting relationships between their major components and their underlying mechanisms. The analysis points to the power of “sensitivity” that arises from both within and outside the collaboration system in response to the potential disruptions and chaos that may be hidden within the entanglements of institutional and socio-cultural influences. At the end of the presentation, I call for the need to foster and strengthen the sensitivity of the collaboration system as a “collective knower” that can keep collaboration alive and sustainable in the long run.



. 专题发言人及摘要(按姓氏音序)





读思 · 读写 · 读赏初中英语阅读教学实践探索

李锐 武汉市教育科学研究院






正高级教师,湖北省教育科学研究院初中英语教研员。担任国家基础教育中心外语教研中心常务理事,华中师范大学、湖北大学、长江大学兼职硕士生导师;全国基础教育研究培训中心课题研究项目指导专家、中国英语阅读教育研究院专聘研究员。连续主持教育部“十三五 、十四五”规划重点课题;50余篇论文发表于各师范院校学报及基础教育核心期刊;出版学术专著《中学英语教学问题与对策》,主编《新课标下的初中英语教学评》等教师教学指导用书,参编人教版初中英语教材。


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罗之慧 湖北省教育科学研究院






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